More than 25 years of experiences in Ayurveda

Eva Schinkler has been on a spiritual quest since her great crisis 1990. After a period of therapy to examine her past, she found the spiritual path, initially through contact with near-death experiences, NDEs.

While working as a nurse in the emergency cardiac clinic, she came into contact with several patients who explained their experiences with NDE. On the path of searching for a new way to understand the complexities of healing, and the resources that human possess, Eva began to study different healing traditions as well as modern medicine.

As life often is, doors open just when the times comes, and she was introduced to the Ayurvedic wisdom of life. She accepted a calling to study everything she could find in Ayurveda and has been educated in both India and the United States. After many different spiritual events that she has been through, it was obvious that she would work in the field of Ayurveda.

When Eva was 5-6 years old, her family went from Sweden to live in San Fransisco, USA, where she went to school. She remember the biggest impression during that time was when she met a group of Native Americans during some ceremonies. She explained it as “I felt like I was reminded of my past” and I was only 6 years old. It was a very special impression for me, which has been etched in my memory.

One of Eva’s greatest interest is sailing and when she was 20 years old in 1980s, she decided to sail across the Atlantic. She worked as a seaman on an American, three-masted schooner and sailed from Amsterdam to Antigua in the West Indies. During the subsequent journey across the US by car, she came into contact with yoga, which she then brought back to Sweden.

Eva graduated from The Art Design School in Gothenburg with a Master’s degree in Art & Design. After a few years, she became a cabin crew member for Scandinavian Airlines and then followed the step to work in the health field by become a registered nurse. In addition, she went to India to study Ayurveda. She continued her studies in Behavioral medicine, health psychology and international public health in Östersund, Sweden. 

Her career led her further into leadership consultancy, in large companies as well as in municipalities and county council, where she developed her own way of working with management and leadership development with Ayurveda management.

At the same time, she was a popular workshop leader, lecturer and coach for many people. Eva started the Ayurveda Life Training education, which lasted for many years.

She is the author of the books:

“Vitality in everyday life – inspired by Ayurveda” which has also been translated into English. As well as the book

” Art of Eating – with inspiration from Ayurveda”.

Eva has two adult children and grandchildren and is married for the second time.

Today, Eva is active mostly as mentor for people who themselves are on a quest to seek the true healing of humanity.

Why do people turn to you Eva?

In her own words…”Most of the time, people choose to come to me when things aren’t working out; stress, various chronic conditions, mental imbalance, work-related problems, relationship problems, messy life path, confused about what’s going on in the world, death announcements, etc.

When life reminds us that we are not living in harmony, then we need guidance to find our way home to ourselves. “Some come when they still feel good and want to continue to feel good through life’s various event.


  • Ayurvedisk medicine, American Institute of Vedic Studies, USA
  • Ayurvedisk medicine & Pancha Karma, Rishikesh Collage i Ayurveda, India
  • Reg. Nurse
  • Bachelor´s Degree in Behavioral Medicine & Health Psychology
  • Masters Programme in International Public Health
  • Master of Fine Art & Design
  • Management Training Krauthammer University, Switzerland

My source of life vitality

Ayruveda föreläsning

What people say about Eva Schinkler

”I am constantly looking for deep, high-character, life-affirming, dynamic, surprising and captivating knowledge in vital areas. I’ll just say one thing; Eva Schinkler is a find.”
Annika Dopping – TV-producer and communicator.

”Following recommendations, I have read Eva Schinkler´s book “Vitality in Everyday Life.” It is a fantastic book that I read through immediately. Many pieces of the puzzle fell into places. I work as a senior physician at NÄL (North part of Älvsborg County Council Hospital). and have 3 children. I will now take care of myself from the Ayurvedic perspective.”
Helena Sandén – Senior Physician, NÄL Hospital

”After working with the Strengths-Based Leadership and Employeeship we achieved more motivated employees and increased financial results. The development process led to the management team working more stringently and efficiently, and not least in a more stimulated way! Eva’s strengths are the way she reaches out to different people at different levels in the organization. Eva is focused, fearless and straightforward in her communication, which is appreciated, and she therefor reaches another step further than others I have worked with in similar assignments .”
Marie Bucht – Vice President, Business Intelligence, NCC Property Development

If it's out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too

Welcome to my collection of videos and publications.

7 Chakras Spoken Word – Guided Meditation

Why I Became A Death Doula - Alua Arthur

Dr. David Frawley Explores Ayurvedic Psychology

Change Your Breath, Change Your Life – Lucas Rockwood

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